Contemporary dance belongs to the category of the most technically expressive dances. In addition to the well-known techniques - Limon, Release, Graham, Cunningham, Peter Goshe, Horton -, contemporary dance has incorporated modern techniques such as jazz, hip hop, as well as traditional cultures from various countries and many other dance genres. The combination of all the above ensures total freedom of movement for the teacher-choreographer and freedom of expression for the student-dancer.
The teacher-choreographer adopts his personal style, influenced by personal experiences, education and everyday life, as well as by the society and the time in which they are placed. A simple everyday movement has the potential to become a dance and a technical exercise can evolve into a contemporary choreography with meaning and purpose.
The main characteristic of contemporary dance is the release of muscular tension to achieve effective energy in collaboration with breathing and transfer of body weight. The release techniques enhance self-awareness of movement by reconstructing body and mind.